DOpus (11/158)

From:Dr Greg Perry
Date:5 Apr 2001 at 02:08:38
Subject:Re: [D5] Back from St. Louis!

On 05-Apr-01 06:20:07 Andreas Mixich wrote:

>Dr Greg Perry wrote in a Mail about "Re: [D5] Back from St. Louis!":

>> Funding requests to AI and H&P were laughed at.

>Something that I have problems to understand why....

>Well, okay, they want to do OS4+, so they will have their own ideas.
>But...Dopus5 is just so nice...I don't understand.

Yes it should have been incorporated as part of a new OS and we did have
discussions with AI at an early stage but this was jumped on from above
when the budget for the project was reduced to lunch money:)

Such is life. It all seems like a waste of time now. It's all too late and
too underfunded to do anything useful. Even if a new OS emerges there are
no developers left to produce any serious products. Che cos'e va.

Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
Internet Email:


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