DOpus (117/158)

From:Vincenzo Morra
Date:22 Apr 2001 at 12:19:26
Subject:[D5] Re: File Lenght

Hello Dave

On 22-Apr-01, you wrote:

> Once upon a time, 22-Apr-01 05:39:46, Vincenzo Morra spoke thus about
> '[D5] File Lenght':
>> Hello,
>> that's true. I can't have more than 107 charc. But even if I set
>> environment/directories to 107 and save and reboot. When I open a dir
>> like: work:music/mp3 (in name mode) I get only a maximum of 32 char.
>> Hence the file names are cut off.
> All you've done is allow DOpus to display up to 107 characters, if the
> underlying filesystem only allows 32 then that is all you will get.

Right. I am using PF3 file system. I was under the impression that it would
allow me to display more than 32 chars.
I don't know how, but I have managed in the past to have file with name
longer than 32 chars.
Maybe I did it when I downloaded LINUX files. Or it was an mp3.
That is why I am going nuts. ;)
Any idea if PF3 allows to override the 32 chars limit?


Vince(nzo) Morra

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