DOpus (154/158)

From:Helmut Hummel
Date:26 Apr 2001 at 00:46:20
Subject:[D5] Re: Startup_pic

Hi Mathias,

> > You mean changing the
> > startup picture with the
> > startup-sequence option?
> > I guess it is just a
> > matter of making a script
> > that renames the pictures
> > stored in a drawer before
> > de LoadWB command.
> Oops, I meant the WB background picture!
> Opus randomly picks one from a directory, but I
> need a script which does this abterwards anytime
> I want.

Maybe there exists a script also, but with my rndpic.module (latest
version is 1.3) you'll get a DOpus command "RndPic" which will
change the background(s) every time you call it.

To Jack York (Random Backdrops):
mail me privatly if you didn't solve your RndPic problems,
RTFM ;) = _the usage of the command method is suggested_
random is _not_ excluding the last used background(s) - else this
would contain a fixed value and wouldn't be really random :)
Helmut Hummel

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