DOpus (32/158)

From:Dr Greg Perry
Date:7 Apr 2001 at 05:45:34
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!

On 07-Apr-01 01:05:48 Steve & Ulli Bowman wrote:

>G'day Dr Greg Perry,

>On 07-Apr-01, on the subject of "Re: [D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!", you
>spoke thus:

>>> Fleecy and Gary are crying for developers on the MLs, for OS4 as well
>>> as DE. Well, practically :^). Have you tried approaching them again
>>> since the show? I'm sure they of anyone appreciate the difference DOpus
>>> has made to the Amiga.
>> We have made several approaches to them over the time and they have my
>> address. In any case, we are far too busy with the Windows pre-release
>> at the moment to even consider such a thing even if we thought there was
>> anyt future in it.

>Fleecy posted the following on the AmigaOne ML just 80 minutes ago:

>:tell you what - why don't you give me the email addresses of all the
>:people who's products you want to see on OS4 and I will send them an
>:email. I'll even cc you them all, because I am starting to get a wee bit
>:annoyed about people doubting me.
>:How does that sound?

>Naturally I have suggested DOpus and forwarded him your e-mail. Things
>are moving forward, forget your tiffs with H&P. Fleecy can be reached at
> - why not contact him and try work something out. I
>know you have said many times you have had no response from H&P, however
>the circumstances have changed just a little :^). After all, you don't
>/really/ like coding for Windows, do you? Honestly?? :^)

Yes Fleecy has sent me some mail. I have always got on fairly well with
Fleecy and of course I will talk to him but not having earnt any money for two
years does not attract us to spending longer in the wilderness on an unproven
mythology without external funds.

Coding for Windows? Well, yes and no. It's both interesting and
frustrating after coming from the Amiga. There are many things you can do
much easier then there are some things which are not well documented at all.
At the end of the day programming is what you make it and I am extremly
impressed with the power we have been able to build-in to the new Opus6
product. It has allowed us to expand on many concepts we started
on the Amiga and does far far more performance wise.

Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
Internet Email:


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