DOpus (37/158)

From:Dave Clarke
Date:7 Apr 2001 at 09:56:12
Subject:[D5] Re: ArcHandlerEx problem

Once upon a time, 07-Apr-01 01:07:23, Thomas Tavoly spoke thus about
'Re: [D5] Re: ArcHandlerEx problem':

>Hi Dave, on Apr 6 you wrote:

> > Waiting for which bug to be fixed, (if noone reports anything, it's either
> > working or noone's using it) ?

>You said I should wait for the bug which was reported to be fixed, then
>download it (right after I asked what the current URL was).

Aaahhh...yes, forgot about that :)

*** NOTE FOLKS ***
I've just had a look and Richard's put 1.3 up on the site, all the while
suffering from a tremendous hangover :)

> $VER: ArcDir.dopus5 1.0 (11.8.96)
> Written by Edmund Vermeulen (

My, my...the original version :)

>So I click on a file in the file lister, press F1 (copy here, I still don't
>use drag & drop because of the never fixed and very reproducable layer
>locking bug that has been in DOpus for years =), whatever is selected is

That's interesting, I can't say I've seen this bug for many, many're not using the dopus/DOSPatch ENV variable are you?

Can you give me an example on reproducing it?

>copied to destination lister. Most of the time at least, for some reason
>sometimes the file is extracted but simply disappears.

Also, if the 'move' fails for some reason, the extracted file in the temp dir
just gets deleted.

I suppose I could check to see whether the Move command was successful and
open a requester if it wasn't, (Edmund didn't and I just followed in his
footsteps :)

> > If ever an extracted file fails to turn up in the destination directory,
> > it is 99% certain that you are using a 'Move' command that doesn't conform
> > to the CLI format of Move 2.2a, (as was used for ArcDir also).

>ARP move: Usage: Move <wildcards> [TO] <wildcards or dir> [QUIET] [CASE]
>C= rename: FROM/A/M,TO=AS/A,QUIET/S
>DOpus move: Usage: Move [FROM] <file1> [TO] <file2>

If there was a concensus of opinion regarding what to use I could adapt the
script accordingly but is this a realistic expectation :)

Or maybe I should have the script interrogate exactly which Move command is
available and self-adapt....BorgHandlerEx here it comes!

>Don't see how any problem can occur with not using DOpus' move since it
>offers the lowest common denominator of arguments, unless there is some
>voodoo like move sending ARexx to DOpus or some similar internal stuff
>happening, maybe return code differences or whatever.

No, 2.2a doesn't do anything wonderful AFAICT, just your basic, dumb Move
command, (although it seems to return RC=0 no matter what happens).

I had strange things happen when I inadvertantly had Move 37.8 installed,
which was strange since it had basically the same command line syntax but
with a few more options.

Some of the Move commands actually expect the words FROM and TO to be in the
command line.


_--_|\ Dave Clarke | Four Wheel Drive: - Helps you get stuck |
/ \ | faster, harder, further from help.|
\_.--.*/ <-Melbourne | Powered by: A3000 '060/50+604/180 138MB |
v | P-IV/Concierto/Pablo/Paloma |

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away

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