DOpus (41/158)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:7 Apr 2001 at 15:16:56
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: ArcHandlerEx problem

Dave Clarke wrote in a Mail about "[D5] Re: ArcHandlerEx problem":

> No, 2.2a doesn't do anything wonderful AFAICT, just your basic, dumb
> Move
> command, (although it seems to return RC=0 no matter what happens).

I have the same move installed for ages. However, I never liked it (cause
of that RC=0 thing) and a week ago it nuked me a bunch of files:

(it was on SFS)

list #?.html lformat "move %s%s path/" >scr
execute scr

it moved all the listed files to path/ but wrote each one on top of the
other with a cryptic name. It sucks !

Maybe a script would help ?

; $VER: Move 11284.0211424422 (07 Apr 01)
; 'move' at own Risk !
.key from/a to/a
.bra {
.ket }

IF exists {from}
copy {from} {to} clone
delete {from} quiet force
echo "Move: Source does not exist."

or so....

Good bye,

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