DOpus (43/158)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:7 Apr 2001 at 19:16:47
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: ArcHandlerEx problem

Oops, I might have sent this already but it contained a blatant typo in the "list" example

Kolbjørn Barmen wrote in a Mail about "[D5] Re: ArcHandlerEx problem":

>> list #?.html lformat "move %s%s path/" >scr
>> execute scr

> I dont get it, what is %s%s supposed to do, afaik %s will only work once
> per line, %n on the otherhand you can use many times.


To include the output of List in this string, you can
use the "%S" sequence under 1.3 or 2.x/3.x as follows:

"%S" Filename
"%S%S" Pathname/Filename
"%S%S%S" Pathname/FilenamePathname
"%S%S%S%S" Pathname/FilenamePathname/Filename

What you refer to is valid only when using list on the current dir.

If you try a

list libs:compressors/ lformat ="%s"

you will get filenames only while:

list libs:compressors/ lformat ="%s%s"

will give you the absolute path/filenames

> list #?.html lformat "move *"%n*" *"path/%n*"" >scr || execute scr

I don't know what went wrong. With Rename it worked....

Good bye,

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