DOpus (52/158)

From:Dr Greg Perry
Date:8 Apr 2001 at 07:07:27
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!

On 08-Apr-01 00:06:19 Andreas Mixich wrote:

>Dr Greg Perry wrote in a Mail about "Re: [D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!":

>> impressed with the power we have been able to build-in to the new Opus6
>> product. It has allowed us to expand on many concepts we started
>> on the Amiga and does far far more performance wise.

>Anyway, as soon as I have my Windows machine I will apear on "that other"
>mailing list as well ;-)

You never know. BY the time you have a Windows machine we may even have
'that other' things finished and shipping:)

Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
Internet Email:


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