DOpus (53/158)

From:Dr Greg Perry
Date:8 Apr 2001 at 07:21:11
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!

On 08-Apr-01 08:17:59 Kolbjørn Barmen wrote:

>On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Richard Lane wrote:

>> Hello Jules
>> On 06-Apr-01, Jules wrote:
>> > With reference to 'Back from St. Louis!' by Dr Greg Perry
>> >
>> >> Funding requests to AI and H&P were laughed at.
>> >
>> > How much funding did you get form Microsoft for your Windows version? :-)
>> I see the smiley, but what do you think the active user base of people
>> willing to spend money on software is on the Amiga compared to Windows?

>I'm curious on what marketing GPSoft are preparing to convince windows
>users that DOpus is better than those 20 other alternatives around, many
>of them free. I have a theory that the number of windows copies sold will
>be about the number of amiga versions sold lately minus the few (?) of us
>who never would bother with a windows version anyhow. On the other hand,
>maybe the goal is to get enough M$ attention to have them buy out the lot :)

Sorry there were a few words there I don't understand. 'marketing', 'convince'
'alternatives'. Wait till you see the product. There is no competition:))

Besides, if you are friends with that 'other' Bill, see if he wants to give us
some money to prduce quality products. None of the previous ones have even
seen any use in the products we have produced in 15 years on the Amiga.:)

Besides we are really amused as to why everyone seems to think that Opus 5+
was such a financial sucecss on the Amiga. It has barely provided a living
for the two of us and for the last 2 years has not even done that. You would
be shocked if I told you have few copies of Opus 5+ were actually sold on
the Amiga. In sane rational business terms, bugger all. Sales of .00001% of
the Windows market would exceed all sales on the Amiga by orders of magnitude.
In fact at the moment sales of anything .....

>Since I first heard of DOpus for windows, windows has moved through a handful
>of various incarnations, and is now about to move into yet another with
>Windows XP. I'm curious how this has affected the devlopment of DOpus :)

We just plod away...:))

Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
Internet Email:


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