DOpus (74/158)

From:Tony Cooke
Date:8 Apr 2001 at 21:20:05
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!

Hello Dr Greg Perry on 08-Apr-01 15:20:51 you said
>On 08-Apr-01 21:27:59 Andreas Mixich wrote:

>>Kolbjørn Barmen wrote in a Mail about "[D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!":

>>> I'm curious on what marketing GPSoft are preparing to convince windows

>>It will need high ratings and good reviews in the major magazines. Chances
>>are good, should Dopus5 follow the way it went upto now. V4 and V5 have
>>been "killer-apps". Dopus _really_ has a good reputation and is being
>>imitated on other OS.
>>And if it is really such a dream as Greg supposes it to be, well....:-)
>>My best whishes.

>>Decent world-wide (!) advertising will be close to impossible for a small
>>company like GPSoft.

> "Decent world-wide (!) advertising"!!!

>Any advertising is close to impossible:)

Then WE will have to advertise for you, through the letters pages of PC mags
etc won't we.

Tony Cooke *_/Team AMIGA/_* Wirenet
A4000 CyberStormIII 60/50 SCSI, PicassoIV, MFCIII,
HP Laserjet 4P, Stylus 600, 21" ADI Microscan 6G+,
For *_Cavies_* or */Guinea Pigs/*
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