DOpus (75/158)

From:Dave Clarke
Date:10 Apr 2001 at 06:39:49
Subject:[D5] ArcHandlerEx Patch (was 'ArcHandlerEx problem')w

Once upon a time, 04-Apr-01 04:28:49, Javier de las Rivas spoke thus about
'[D5] ArcHandlerEx problem':

>using 1.2 sometimes i'm having problems when extracting files if the file
>exists i get an error, the problem was the MOVE command i have 2 different
>MOVE command one in C: and the other in Dopus5:C/ the lst one works fine
>with ArcHandlerEx so in the arexx-script i added the path so the line now

>call writeln(tempfile,'Dopus5:C/Move "'dpath||tpath'/'.......

>and no mre problems. :-)

>so take care what move command are you using

>(Dopus5:C/)Move v2.2a works fine :-)
>(C:)Move v37.9 doesn't :-(

Here's an ARexx patch file for those not willing to edit the original,
(thought I'd give Richard a break :)

Just run it in a shell with 'rx ArcHandlerPatch.rexx' and copy the new
ArcHandlerEx.dopus from RAM: to DOpus5:ARexx/ when it's finished.

v1.3 -> v1.4
options results

arcfile = 'DOpus5:ARexx/ArcHandlerEx.dopus5'
oldline = ' call writeln(tempfile,''Move "''dpath||tpath''/''ARCPath''#?"'' ''"''dpath''"'')'
newline = ' call writeln(tempfile,''DOpus5:C/Move "''dpath||tpath''/''ARCPath''#?"'' ''"''dpath''"'')'
oldvline = '$VER: ARCHandlerEx.dopus5 1.3 (2.4.01) D.Clarke'
newvline = '$VER: ARCHandlerEx.dopus5 1.4 (10.4.01) D.Clarke'
lindex = 279

inline. = ''

if ~exists(arcfile) then do
say 'ArcHandlerEx.dopus5 not installed in DOpus5:ARexx/'
exit 10

if ~open('infile', arcfile, 'r') then do
say 'Unable to open 'arcfile
exit 10

index = 1
do while ~eof('infile')
inline.index = readln('infile')
index = index + 1

call close('infile')

index = index - 1

if inline.2 ~= oldvline then do
say 'Wrong version - only patches 1.3 (2.4.01)'
exit 10
inline.2 = newvline
if inline.lindex ~= oldline then do
say 'This is not an original v1.3 script.'
exit 10

if ~open('outfile', 'RAM:ArcHandlerEx.dopus5', 'w') then do
say 'Unable to open output file in RAM:'
exit 10

do i = 1 to index
if i ~= lindex then
call writeln('outfile', inline.i)
call writeln('outfile', newline)
call close('outfile')


_--_|\ Dave Clarke | Four Wheel Drive: - Helps you get stuck |
/ \ | faster, harder, further from help.|
\_.--.*/ <-Melbourne | Powered by: A3000 '060/50+604/180 138MB |
v | P-IV/Concierto/Pablo/Paloma |

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