DOpus (76/158)

From:Tim Seifert
Date:10 Apr 2001 at 13:09:13
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!

_Replying to a message_

By: Tony Cooke <>
To: Dr Greg Perry <>
On: Monday, April 09, 2001, 5:50:05 AM
Re: [D5] Re: Back from St. Louis!

Hi Tony,

>>>> I'm curious on what marketing GPSoft are preparing to convince windows

>>> It will need high ratings and good reviews in the major magazines.
>>> ...[snip]...
>>> Decent world-wide (!) advertising will be close to impossible for a
>>> small company like GPSoft.

>> "Decent world-wide (!) advertising"!!!

>> Any advertising is close to impossible:)

TC> Then WE will have to advertise for you, through the letters pages of
TC> PC mags etc won't we.

It's interesting to see the occasional article about the Amiga in
non-Amiga specific press. It tends to get described as a neat, reliable,
small system, talked about with a fond nostalgic air. Windows often gets
the slating it deserves, even in the PC-specific press.

People do look for good software, and word of mouth is still one of the
best advertisers of good products, and killers of crap ones.

After trying about 4 different PC directory utilities, I've given up and
persevered with Windows Explorer. Sure it's annoying, but I've found far
worse. On occasions I've used DOpus Magellan on WinUAE to do a few batch
file renamings, etc., that I just couldn't do any easier way. It's not
quick, but far quicker than hand editing each file in turn.

e.g. Converting Windows3/DOS mangled files from waffl~1 to a
UsefulFileName.002.JPG, UsefulFileName.003.JPG, etc., on mass.

One things Windows particularly sucked at was trying to move a file to a
directory, then finding a like-named file in there. There was no option
to re-name or skip the file you're trying to move, and carry on. It
aborts the whole thing.

There you go. That's just a few things.

It's mainly the file /management/ features that I use, in programs like
DOpus, more than anything else. So I'm sure there's plenty of other
things to promote DOpus as being better than something else.


(I'm dropping an ISP soon, don't send mail to addresses.)
(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)

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