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On Line

Sainfoin's War

The Rangoon Operation to the Japanesse Surrender


Ray Self, Roy Brett and a shipmate fron Milton Keynes

The Rangoon landings took place in June 1945, a convoy of eleven ships taking part. Included in this group were, Princess Beartrix, Glengyle, Queen Emma plus four ex. "Empire" ships - Sainfoin, Sansovind, Sefton and Rocksand. Sainfoin was again involved in the landing of Ghurka troops on Sumatra, moving forward to take Medan. This was preceded by a hair-raising night journey through uncharted minefields, to put our troops ashore at first light. One of the few other times that I can remember Sainfoin sailing in the company of other Landing ships was again with some of our mates from the Rangoon landings. We were all part of a group brought together under the name `Zipper Force'. Our ultimate destination would be the assault of the Japanese Mainland, an operation that would probably involve more ships than even `D Day'. However, here we are all sailing in foul weather which was causing a lot of distress to our troops. Our Commodores Ship H.M.S. Persimmon is making heavy going and was in danger of losing some of her lower flight of L.C.A.'s as the sea's action is so violent, so she found calmer water by taking up station under the lee of the larger and bulkier `Almanzora'. We eventually landed our troops on the beaches of Port Swettenham on September 9th and if memory serves me correctly our troops came from the South Wales Border Regt. On October 3rd., in company with other ships we anchored off Emmahaven, Port of Padang, where at 10am. the Commanders in chief of all three Japanese services in Samatra provisionally signed the terms of surrender on board H.M.S Persimmon.

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