Shogo: Progress Report

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31-May-2000: Progress update by Axel Deising

The Mac port of "Shogo:MAD" has entered an early beta-stage.



Completed and fully tested with a PC client.




The Shogo sound system was succesfully converted and is now fully functional.



The input system is fully implemented. Shogo can be played using keyboard, mouse and joysticks/joypads. Joysticks and joypads support InputSprockets.


Network Play

Configuration of a network game (host or client) is now possible using a GUI.


Software Renderer

The software renderer has been up and running for some time now. The original Windows software-renderer was improved upon by replacing the transparency code. Hyperion was contracted by Monolith to develop the software renderer for LithTech V2 for Windows. The possibility of porting back the LithTech V2 software renderer to LithTech V1.5 for use with Shogo is being examined. This would allow for faster and more visually pleasing software rendering.


Hardware Renderer

A lot of progress was made converting the D3D renderer to OpenGL with some problems remaining (e.g. incorrect texture-coordinates) which will be addressed during the first week of June.


Memory Consumption

Memory-consumption still needs to be reduced further.


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