Council Minutes

Step-by-Step guide to how the Agenda works:

  • ELECTION OF CHAIR - i.e. who will be conducting the meeting, and making sure everyone who has something to say gets the chance to do so in an orderly and uninterrupted way. Constitutionally the chairperson of Council is the President - and in his/her absence the VP - Services & Treasurer, or a nominee.

  • ATTENDANCE - a record of who was at the meeting. "In Attendance" refers to someone who is not a member of Council but who is of relevance to a subject being discussed. "Observers" are any persons who want to sit in on the meeting and see what happens / what is being talked about.

  • MINUTES & MATTERS ARISING - this is when you get the chance to comment on anything about the minutes of the previous meeting(s). For our minutes to become official and available to public scrutiny, they need to be approved by Council - so if there’s anything that needs corrected, removed, or added mention it at this point!

  • ANY OTHER (URGENT) BUSINESS - Precisely that. Anything that is not on the agenda that needs to be discussed at the meeting.

  • CHALLENGES TO ORDER PAPER - This is your chance to rearrange the order in which "discussion and decision topics" are dealt with.

  • RESIGNATIONS & ELECTIONS - When your name gets brought up if you are a new recruit - or have decided to pack it all in.

  • DATES TO NOTE - This is when you mention any relevant up-and-coming dates. So that means campaigns, deadlines, conferences, elections, birthdays (?) - and anything else relevant to Council and the student body.

  • REPORTS - When the Sabbaticals and other Council members can tell the rest of us about what is going on, what isn’t going on, and what should be! Reports can be written or verbal - and ideally a title for a report should be given to the Secretary three days in advance.

  • DISCUSSION & DECISION TOPICS - usually the bulk of the meeting! This is when you have the chance to debate and vote on any subjects that Council members have decided need be discussed. If you want Council to make a decision, or a mandate (ordering someone to do something) you put it forward in the form of a "motion" with your name on the bottom as "Proposer" and another Council member’s name as "Seconder" (get them to agree to it first!).



A Typical Motion:

Motion Title : Frogs & Toads Crossing Roads

Council Notes:

  1. That Stirling University has a campus full of wildlife
  2. That students both appreciate and respect the wildlife on campus
  3. That migrating frogs & toads get squashed on the road beside the residences in the spring of each year
  4. That frogs are becoming increasingly rare in the UK

Council Believes

  1. That environmental awareness is important
  2. That we should make efforts to protect our wildlife wherever possible
  3. That getting squashed by vehicles is an unfair waste of a frog/toad’s life

Council Instructs

  1. That SUSA publicise this problem to raise awareness of campus users, and encourages them to drive more considerately
  2. That SUSA lobby the university to erect road signs to warn road users that frogs & toads are crossing the roads




K "Quoracy" is the number of members who need to be present to allow a meeting to take place. A meeting has to be ‘quorate’ to be official. In Council quoracy is two-thirds of the elected members. In the Executive Committee quoracy is fixed numerically at six members

K All voting takes place by a show of hands - only Council members can vote (not observers or those in attendance) - you vote either FOR, AGAINST or ABSTAIN.

K A "Guillotine" may be set for a meeting. Not as gruesome as it sounds - this is merely a deadline to end the meeting. Anything that is not discussed by the time the guillotine falls will have to wait until the next meeting.

K You will hear people say "Point of Order (that we move to a vote)". This means that the issue has been discussed enough and that the Council should merely vote on the motion. After a Point of Order is called - discussion stops immediately and a vote is taken ON the Point of Order itself. If it is successful - a vote is then taken on the motion.

K Amendments can be proposed to motions being discussed. This can range from changing one word or an apostrophe to practically rewording it entirely! Amendments need a proposer and a seconder, and can be put forward in writing in advance, or during the course of a meeting.







General Responsibilities - EXECUTIVE MEMBER

The following duties and responsibilities are part of the Job Description for all members of the Executive Committee:

  • To act as a representative of the Students' Association on all appropriate official occasions.
  • To undertake duties as and when necessary by request of the General Meeting, Council and Executive Committee.
  • To uphold the substance and spirit of the constitution. To work collectively with other members of the Executive to give direction to, and ensure the smooth running of, all aspects of SUSA.
  • To work alongside members of the Students' Association permanent staff in order to achieve the aims and objectives of SUSA.
  • To abide by the staff/student protocol and to make full use of staff resources.
  • To attend all training courses relevant to the post, as required.
  • To act as a representative of the Students' Association on relevant University committees and outside bodies.
  • To organise and chair any sub-committees or working parties relevant to the post. To provide a fortnightly written report to the Executive and Council on the progress and developments they have been working on. To give verbal reports to the Executive, Council and General Meetings and to answer questions.
  • To attend and be accountable to, meetings of the Council and General Meetings.
  • To actively canvass student opinion on relevant issues, through appropriate means.
  • To work to increase participation in and support for Student Union activities.
  • To communicate regularly with other members of the Executive to allow for the effective co-ordination of work undertaken.
  • Expected to keep up to date with Higher Education and student issues.

Meeting attendance

All members of the Executive are expected to attend the meetings held weekly during semester. Outside semester sabbatical officers are expected to attend meetings regularly. Non-sabbaticals are not expected to attend.

If a member misses more than 3 meetings without acceptable apologies then they are considered to have resigned their position. Council will be asked to ratify this and the member will be allowed to state their case.

Functional Relationships

All members of the Executive can expect to deal with Students and Visitors to the Association, members of Association Staff and elected student representatives on a regular basis. Members of the Executive Committee are responsible to the membership of the Students Association for the work they do.

Equal Opportunities

SUSA has a strong commitment to its Policy of Equal Opportunities and expects all members of staff and student reps. to understand and promote this aspect of its value statement (attached to document).

General Responsibilities - COUNCIL MEMBER

The following duties and responsibilities are part of the Job Description for all members of the Student Representative Council:

  • To act as a representative of the Students' Association on all appropriate official occasions.
  • To undertake duties as and when necessary by request of the General Meeting, Council and Executive Committee.
  • To uphold the substance and spirit of the constitution.
  • To abide by the staff/student protocol and to make full use of staff resources.
  • To attend all training courses relevant to the post, as required.
  • To act as a representative of the Students' Association on any relevant University committees and outside bodies.
  • To organise and chair any sub-committees or working parties relevant to the post. To provide a written report to the Executive and Council on the progress and developments they have been working on if required. To give verbal reports to the Executive, Council and General Meetings and to answer questions if required
  • To attend and be accountable to, meetings of the Council and General Meetings.
  • To actively canvass student opinion on relevant issues, through appropriate means.
  • To work to increase participation in and support for Student Union activities.
  • Expected to keep up to date with Higher Education and student issues.

Meeting attendance

All members of Council are expected to attend the meetings held fortnightly during semester.

If a member misses more than 3 meetings without acceptable apologies then they are considered to have resigned their position. Council will be asked to ratify this and the member will be allowed to state their case.

Functional Relationships

All members of Council can expect to deal with Students and Visitors to the Association, members of Association Staff and elected student representatives on a regular basis. Members of Council are responsible to the membership of the Students Association for the work they do.


Equal Opportunities

SUSA has a strong commitment to its Policy of Equal Opportunities and expects all members of staff and student representatives to understand and promote this aspect of its value statement (Click here to link to it).



  • Is ultimately legally and financially responsible for SUSA.
  • Act as the principal contact for all matters of PR, press releases and media contacts.
  • Representing the Students Association and its policies at University Committees.
  • To represent SUSA by leading the delegation at NUS / NUS Scotland Conference and NUS Scotland Council.
  • To liaise with NUS and NUS Scotland on appropriate matters.
  • Figurehead of SUSA.
  • Chairs meetings of The Council.
  • Member of Robbins Committee.
  • Member of University Court.
  • Represents SUSA within University at appropriate committees
  • Member of University’s Academic Appeals Committees.
  • To build up and maintain strong working relationships with the Principal and other University officials and departments.
  • To build up and maintain strong links with MSPs and MPs, local politicians and other relevant bodies.
  • To lobby individuals, and political and other bodies, on behalf of SUSA.

VP Services & Treasurer

  • Acts as secretary to SUSA’s Discipline Committee.
  • Works with the Events Manager and the Ents. Convenor to provide Entertainments, ensuring that they are well promoted and that their is adequate publicity.
  • Prepares annual budget and ensures it is adhered to by all budget holders including clubs and socs. Provides adaptations as necessary.
  • To oversee the provisions of Commercial Services and undertake development and evaluation together with the Senior Management Team.
  • To ensure that all events run by both SUSA and its clubs and societies are run in strict accordance with the Association’s financial regulations.
  • To work with the Clubs and Socs Convenor and Finance Administrator to distribute Clubs grants.
  • Responsible for the organisation of the Freshers Fair in conjunction with the clubs and Societies Officer.
  • Representative on appropriate University Committees.
  • Member of Robbins Committee.
  • Member of University Court.
  • To ensure that the Financial Regulations of the Students' Association are complied with.

VP Welfare & Education

  • Co-ordinate Welfare Unit
  • Deals with individual student enquiries of a welfare and academic nature.
  • Ensures that training and support is available for all welfare volunteers, nightline volunteers and course reps.
  • Provide up-to-date information for inclusion in the Welfare section of the SUSA Handbook.
  • Acts as joint Nightline Co-ordinator, subject to backing by the Nightline Committee.
  • Work in conjunction with the Campaigns Convenor to co-ordinate Welfare-related campaigns.
  • Represents SUSA on appropriate University Committees.
  • Responsible for the dissemination of welfare materials and information.
  • Build up and maintain strong links with SISS and other local agencies.



Sports Union President

  • Responsible for allocation of Sports Union Budget
  • Contact for sports club queries.
  • Organises Freshers Clubs and Socs. Bazaar with Clubs & Societies Convenor.
  • Point of contact for BUSA & Other sporting organizations.
  • Co-ordinates Sports Union Executive Committee.
  • Oversee the Sports Union Entertainments events in town and in the Association premises.


  • Takes minutes for Council and Exec.
  • Maintains up-to-date policy file.
  • Ensures that fortnightly Council meetings are held, starting on the second Tuesday of each semester.
  • To ensure that weekly executive meetings are held at a set time each week during semesters.
  • Prepares and circulates Agenda.
  • Keeps a record of Council member attendance and is responsible for notifying members if they are close to being removed due to lack of attendance.

Communications Co-ordinator

  • Co-ordinates WOW (What’s On Weekly)
  • Co-ordinates the collection of information (from Clubs, bars, ents etc.) to put on the Website.
  • Is responsible for maintaining good order of Association notice boards.
  • Sits on SUSA Publications Board.
  • Organises, and works closely with, SUSA Publicity Committee.
  • Responsible for distribution of all (non ents.) SUSA Publicity

Women’s Officer

  • Runs SUSA Women’s Group.
  • Acts as Delegation leader at NUS/ NUS Scotland Women’s Conference.
  • To be responsible for ensuring that the activities of the Association do not discriminate against or offend women as women.
  • To encourage the participation of women in the Students' Association, and to work to improve their opportunities to fulfil their potential in all aspects of University life.
  • To raise awareness amongst the University community of issues affecting women.

Ents Convenor

  • Liaise closely with the VP Services, Events Manager and Robbins Committee with regard to all Entertainments, including planning and executing those functions.
  • Responsible for recruiting Ents. staff, in close conjunction with the Events Manager.
  • Member of Robbins Committee
  • Produces Ents publicity and ensures that it is adequately distributed.

Equal Opps. Officer

  • Promotes Equal Opportunities Policy in SUSA.
  • Hold the University accountable with regard to its Equal Opportunities Policy.
  • To be responsible for addressing problems and receiving complaints about equal opportunities generally, and also Association policy.
  • To raise awareness of and educate students on the issue of Equal Opportunities.
  • Oversee non-executive council posts with specific responsibility for International, Mature, Disabled, Black & Asian, and LGBT students.

Clubs and Societies Convenor

  • Point of contact for SUSA Clubs and Societies with queries or in need of support and guidance.
  • Set out Clubs and Societies Grants along with the Finance Administrator and VP Services and Treasurer.
  • To organise appropriate training for Society Officers in the first term of each academic year.
  • Organises Freshers’ Clubs. & Socs. Bazaar in conjunction with the Sports Union President.
  • Assists in setting up and running Clubs and Societies , in conjunction with the VP Services and Treasurer, including guidance for those interested in setting up new clubs.
  • To annually review the Clubs and Societies Handbook, in partnership with the VP Services and Treasurer.
  • To ensure that Societies possess an up-to-date Constitution, a full membership list and, in conjunction with the Finance Administrator, to be responsible for ensuring that societies maintain proper inventories.

Campaigns Convenor

  • Ultimately responsible for the coordination of SUSA Campaigns*, in accordance with SUSA Policy as set by AGM, Executive or Council (* with the exception of autonomously organised campaigns within SUSA)
  • Organises, and works closely with, SUSA Campaigns Committee.
  • Responsible for allocation and administration of Campaigns budget.
  • Support and liaise with other members of the Executive Committee and other elected student representatives in the production and dissemination of campaigning materials and publicity.



Exec members are directly responsible to an appropriate sabbatical officer - as a point of contact/liaison - as follows:



Campaigns Convenor

Vice President Services

Clubs & Societies Convenor

Ents. Convenor

Publicity Officer (or equivalent)

also BRIG Editor & Radio Airthrey Manager

Vice President Welfare

Equal Opportunities Officer

Academic Affairs Officer

Women’s Officer

Sports Union President

Sports Union Executive




Stirling University Students’ Association (SUSA) has an active Equal Opportunities policy. We oppose discrimination by virtue of gender, sexuality, religion, age, ability and race

As a student association we have a duty to attempt to create a safe atmosphere, and have relevance to all of the students we represent

What is a ‘No Platform Policy’?

This is when it our policy not to allow groups or individuals who espouse prejudicial views a platform to promote themselves

Why have one?

It is a proactive way of enforcing equal opportunities. It is also so that we do not ‘legitimise’ the views of racists, sexists, or bigots by effectively ‘inviting’ them onto campus

What about freedom of speech?

The issue here is that if we permitted bigoted groups or individuals to partake in SUSA events we would be actively inhibiting the freedom of the minorities and individuals against whom they discriminate. Having a no platform policy is therefore protects those who would be intimidated, harassed or discriminated against by the actions of bigots




Stirling University Students’ Association (SUSA) incorporates Liberation Campaigns for Women, Students with Disabilities, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) students

These campaigns exist to provide support for the students they represent and also to ensure that the viewpoint of these groups is always taken into account within SUSA. Some of these groups have autonomy within SUSA

What is ‘Autonomy’?

This is when a group can act independently within SUSA. This allows the Women’s Group and the LGBT to make their own policies and run their own campaigns

Isn’t a Women’s Campaign sexist?

No. It exists to positively represent women. Unfortunately there is NOT at present equality between genders. This is true within and outwith the University. Women are also often under-represented within SUSA




Stirling University Students’ Association (SUSA) can provide support for students on academic issues within the University.

What does SUSA do?

SUSA provides support and guidance on Academic issues, including Academic Appeals, taking time out and course changes

What influence does SUSA have?

SUSA representatives sit on all the influential University committees, such as Computer Users Group; Library Users Group; Information Services Advisory Committee; the Committee for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Standards; Academic Affairs Committee; and University Court

The SUSA President is also a member of the Academic Appeals Committees

What can SUSA do?

SUSA can give you guidance, information and support on practically any Academic issue. Ranging from individual problems to class/course difficulties. SUSA runs training courses for Class Representatives