Financial Regulations and Guidelines






There are various methods of transport you can take to get to fixtures. Each are paid for by your club in different ways.

(i) Bus with a Driver - eg Goosecroft, Kings

These companies tend to send bills at the end of each month and therefore your club will not be charged until that time.

You must be aware, therefore, that when you check your account that it is possible you may have outstanding transport bills.

(ii) Bus without a Driver - e.g. Swift

You get charged for the number of days that the bus is hired. You must also take into account that extra insurance cover for every day of use has to taken out. You also have to pay for petrol/diesel. (This can be claimed back with the receipt).


12 Seater £39.60 + VAT

15 Seater £43.20 + VAT


+ INSURANCE @ £15 a day

or £10 a day (if for more than 1 day)

(iii) Sports Union Minibus -

You get charged for the number of miles that you travel. When petrol is purchased without the ESSO card money can be claimed back with receipt.

Charges are at 50p a mile.

(iv) Travel by Car - The car must have at least 3 Sports Union members and the mileage noted. A claim can be made by stating the passengers names and the mileage claimed at 20p a mile. (Petrol receipts are not necessary).



When catering for visiting teams at home fixtures the following guidelines apply.

Firstly, the Sports Union only contribute for the visiting team. The maximum contribution is £1.50 a head. Catering can be arranged separately by the individual club e.g. buying food from Tesco or you can request the Gannochy to lay on food. At present we are trying to strike a deal with the Gannochy in that the larger the number of people you bring in to eat the cheaper the meals will be.

If buying in food, keep the receipt and claim it back. When ordering food from the Gannochy pick up a catering form from the Office and hand it into the Gannochy. The food will then be charged to your account.

Referees and Umpires

The Sports Union will pay referees and umpires a maximum of £3.50 an hour plus travel expenses (15p a mile).

The Sports Union will not pay students to referee/umpire.


Again the Sports Union will pay a maximum of £3.50 an hour to non-student coaches. The club must attempt to gain coach's name, address and National Insurance number especially if the coaching is regular.

The Sports Union will not pay students to coach.


Normally the S.U. will not pay for accommodation for normal fixtures. Exceptions to this rule may be made if provision is made in the club's budget and prior permission has been granted by the President. These exceptions will only be made if, for example, a great distance has to be travelled.

If accommodation is required the Sports Union will pay £15 a night or 75% of the cost per night, whichever is the cheaper.

Obviously for non-competitive clubs e.g. Mountaineering accommodation will be paid for by the S.U. e.g. bothy, Youth Hostel, tent.


This is when a Stirling University team takes part in a Scottish Universities Championships/Tournament or the British Universities equivalent. This includes team going forward to participate in the BUSA playoffs.


The Sports Union will pay the equivalent of 100% of a second class rail ticket with a railcard. This applies no matter what method of transport you take. The difference, if any, must be subsidised by the club or the individuals taking part.

Taxi fares will not be paid, unless in an emergency.


The Sports Union will pay either £15 or 75% of the cost per night, whichever is the cheaper. Clubs must attempt to find the cheapest accommodation possible.



This is when a member or members of a club are selected to hold a place on a Scottish/British Universities or Scottish/British National representative team.


Again this is based on 100% of 2nd Class Rail ticket with a Railcard no matter which method of transport is used.


Again £15 a night or 75% of the cost, whichever is cheaper.


Usually some sort of confirmation of selection for SUSF/BUSA will be required before any payments can be made.

Payments will only be made if permission has been sought from the President prior to the event.

Entry Fees - Entry fees vary dramatically from one sport to another and it has been found that it is impossible to set a general rule. Therefore, it has been decided that the team or individual taking part must pay their own entry fee and then claim it back. It will be at the discretion of the Finance Sub-Committee to decide what proportion, if any, will be reimbursed to the participant(s).

Trials and Training Sessions - Again this is very difficult to set a definite ruling for as different sports have different numbers of trials and training sessions. It has been decided that the cost of training sessions will be met (on the 75% basis). However, trials will, generally, not be paid for by the Sports Union. The Finance Sub-Committee has final ruling on this and may over-rule this in exceptional circumstances.

Flights - If a selected member has to fly to an event, permission must first be sought from the President as to whether the Sports Union will contribute. If any other cheaper form of transport is possible then you will be expected to take it.


Their are two types of equipment that the Sports Union will purchase for the clubs:-

Replaceable Equipment - This is the sort of equipment that needs replacing every year. E.g. Shuttlecocks, footballs, ammunition etc.

This type of equipment must be budgeted for by the club at the beginning of the year.

Capital Equipment - This is more long term equipment that will last for a number of years. This money is in a central SU account and applications must be made at the beginning of the year. The Sports Union will allocate the money as fairly as possible.

All equipment must be ordered through the Sports Union. Permission must be granted by the President and the order must be sent on an official Sports Union order form. If this is not done the Sports Union has no obligation to pay the goods ordered.

Please note that ALL equipment that is purchased with Sports Union money is then the property of the Sports Union and not that of the individuals in the club. We need to be able to account for equipment at all times so please ensure that you know where all the equipment is kept and that none is missing.



(i) 100% of 2nd class rail travel will be reimbursed on production of a ticket.

(ii) Car travel will be paid at a rate of 20p per mile.

(iii) Taxi expenses are acceptable between a hotel and an event provided that a receipt is produced.


(i) Due to the expensive nature of some of the hotels in which these events are staged the upper limit for nightly accommodation will be £30 per person.



Financial Procedures

These are a guidelines for treasurers in controlling the Sports Union budget for their individual clubs


These notes are intended to help clubs, especially club treasurers, to understand how the budget system works.

1. Budget Allocation - At the beginning of the year the SU Executive will announce the allocation of money to club’s budget. The budgets are based on the information given on the budget Request form which is submitted at the end of the previous academic year. The President and the Treasurer decide upon the final amounts and take into account various factors when making these decisions. For example the number of members, level of activity etc. If you have any reason to query the amount your club has been allocated, see the President or the Treasurer immediately.

2. Budgeting for the year - It is important to try and budget ahead. At the beginning of the year your club committee should meet to discuss your year’s budget. The budget is very straightforward, and deals with each area of expenditure separately.

This year your budget is allocated in the same way but there is a change

in that instead of separate accounts for each area i.e. Transport, Catering etc. Your club has one overall account. Effectively this means if you overspend in one

area of expenditure, money from another area can be used. However,

please try to stick to your original budget as closely as possible as once your budget is spent we cannot give out anymore. You may at any time ask for a print out of expenditure to date. Please see the Treasurer or President for this.

If you find that your total budget is not enough to cover all your expenses you must decide whether to cut down on expenditure or raise more money to meet additional costs. Consult the S.U. Treasurer or President if you think you may have a problem.

3. Club Contribution - All clubs must make a contribution to their spending, this year it is at least 25% of their total allocation. In simple terms that means that for every £100 that the Sports Union, you must raise £25. This contribution will be paid in two instalments, the specific dates are given by the President at the beginning of the year. If you do not pay the required amount of contribution by the required day your club budget will be FROZEN. It is advisable that you make the payment of your contribution a matter of priority. Charging membership fees is one obvious money earner other ideas include: Gannochy discos, In-town discos, raffles, sponsored events, competitions, etc. etc.

4. Club Expenditure - All goodsordered for your club, both those ordered from your budget and goods to paid with money from your private account MUST be approved by the SU and ordered using an order form available for the Sports Union Office. This eliminates any SU members being out of pocket by having to pay for any goods personally.

  1. SUSF/BUSA Representation - Expenses of representative players do not come out of your budget. They are paid for from a separate budget allocation made by the S.U. at the beginning of the year. All SUSF/BUSA claims must be approved BEFORE the event. (Otherwise expenses may not be reimbursed) You must be a Sports Union member at least two weeks prior to the event in order to be eligible to claim any expenses. Receipts must accompany all expense claims. Switch receipts are not acceptable as valid receipts.
  1. Paperwork - The club treasurer must keep a written record of ALL cash

transactions (all money received and all money disposed of). All money received must be paid into the Sports Union office. If you have any other queries about money do not hesitate to contact the friendly S.U. Treasurer who is always willing to give advice and will help you whenever possible.

  1. Capital Equipment - The Sports Union tries to set aside a small amount of money

each year to purchase "one off" items of equipment. Clubs should estimate on their

budget forms what capital equipment they are likely to require in the coming year.

The money is allocated by the S.U. President, Treasurer and Equipment Officer,

priority is given to safety equipment and equipment that will not wear out.