Equal Opportunities


SUSA has an active Equal Opportunities Statement:

SUSA are dedicated to maintaining equal opportunities for all it's members and staff regardless of sex, disability, race, religion, age or sexuality. No members or staff are to harassed or discriminated against on the basis of sex, disability, race, religion, age or sexuality.

SUSA is committed to maintaining equal access to all it's members to all it's services that it provides, taking into account the Women's Group and the LGB Group, who have autonomy, and on these grounds may refuse access to men (Women's Group) or self-defined heterosexuals (LGB Group) if they choose to do so. No member should be refused access to any club or society on the grounds of sex, disability, race, religion, age or sexual preference if they are a full-member of the Association. Neither should any member be refused access to the building, unless disciplinary measures are pending, or taken against them.

Nomination and voting rights are granted on an equal basis to all students with full membership, with the exception of the Women's Officer for whom only women members can be nominated and women members can vote (Constitution 13(b)).

In turn, no member will discriminate or harass any members of staff on the grounds of sex, disability, race, religion, age or sexuality whilst on SUSA premises as stated in the constitution, or disciplinary procedures will be started against them. This is a statement of intention that an equal opportunities policy will be implemented in all areas of SUSA.

It is my responsibility to ensure that this statement and it's intentions are upheld. I work with the Woman's Office, International Student's Officer, Mature Students' Officer, Students with Disabilities' Officer and the LGBT Officer to raise awareness of relevant issues and run campaigns (with the campaigns convenor). I am here to help any student who feels that they have been unfairly treated, as well as more general problems or enquiries. I am in the SUSA Welfare Office between 2-3pm on Tuesdays, or you can leave a message for me in the SUSA Office. Alternatively, I can be e-mailed on mcw09@students.stir.ac.uk

Have a great year

Melanie xxx

University Equal Opportunities Guide: http://www.guides.stir.ac.uk