Workbench Release 1.3, v34.20 (Kickstart v34.5)

Release date: 1988 New ROM (256KB, or Kickstart disk for A1000) and software
Shipped with: Amiga 500, 2000, available as update
Major enhancements:
  • The bug in AutoConfig was fixed (see Notes/comments section)
  • Memory autoconfig was added; "addmem" commands no longer needed
  • The recoverable RAM: drive was called "RAMB0:"
  • Autoboot from hard drive, and other non-DF0 media (except CD-ROMs)
  • Addition of the Shell
Click here for a text file list of changes in 1.3

A lot more software was included on this workbench disk, and the disk had a new, colorful icon.
There were separate preferences icons which jumped to different parts of the preferences program.
All icons were redesigned, with a not-2.0-yet-3D-look.

Kickstart Screen
Hidden messages:

On the top right of the 1.3 Printer Prefs screen are two mouse buttons; one for speed, and one for delay. If you click on these buttons in series--starting at top left to bottom right--(four times each for a total of sixteen clicks), then go to "Change Printer" and highlight "Custom" (or "Generic", I forget which one), then look at the title bar for a hidden message.

The following messages appear in the titlebar of Workbench, if the given keys are pressed together with both Alt and both Shift keys:

Note: To view the messages that appeared in the titlebar, and still have enough time to note them/make a screenshot, just select "Last Error" from the Workbench menu.

  • F1 System Software: Carl, Neil & Kodiak
  • F2 Graphics Software: Dale, Bart, Jimm & =RJ=
  • F3 QA: Jon, Bruce, Stan, Kim & Jerry
  • F4 LG Support: Caryn, Dave, Victor, Terry, Cheryl & Nancy
  • F5 CBM Software: Andy, Barry, Dave & Eric
  • F6 Pics: Sheryl & Jack
  • F7 Docs: Rick, Mitch, Peggy & Bob
  • F8 Chips: Jay, Akio, Glenn Edwin, Mark & Dave
  • F9 HW: Dave, Bill, ChrisR & Josh
  • F10 Moral Support: Joe Pillow & The Dancing Fools

The following message appears, if a disk is removed or inserted while one of the above key combinations is pressed:

  • "The Amiga, Born a Champion"

The following messages can be found at the given addresses in the Kickstart ROM:

  • (ROM address FE09DA, v34.5): "Brought to you by not a mere Wizard, but the Wizard Extraordinaire: Dale Luck!"

Media information:

Descriptions & Part Numbers

Two (OFS) DS/DD diskettes for A500/2000
Three (OFS) DS/DD diskettes for A1000
Kickstart 1.3
For the Amiga 1000
PN: 317747-01
For the Amiga
Version 1.3
PN: 317746-01
AMIGA 500/2000
Workbench 1.3
© Commodore
PN: 317787-01
AMIGA 500/2000
Workbench 1.3
© Commodore
PN: 317789-01
Workbench 1.3
PN: 317794-01
Amiga Extras
Amiga BasicTM
Printer Drivers
Version 1.3
PN: 317748-01
Amiga Extras 1.3
Amiga Basic 1.2
PN: 317788-01
  1. Kickstart 1.2.1 (v34.4) and 1.3 (v34.5) had the autoconfig bug fixed and autoboot (via romboot.library) as added.
  2. Harry Sintonen notes the differences between Kickstart 1.2 and Kickstart 1.3:
    • AutoConfig was fixed (the autoconfig init code jsr had a wrong a6 register; the base register at the jsr time should be expansionbase but was execbase instead).
    • "The Amiga Wizards bring this power to you" text was removed
    • Kickstart 1.3 shows '1.3' and Kickstart 1.2 shows '1.2' on the boot picture
    • different ROM version and revision number at $FC000C
  3. According to the Amiga Developer CD 2.1, Workbench 1.3o6 (Workbench 1.3 Omega 6) called the Recoverable RAD: drive "CARD:" and it was apparently called "RD0:" in earlier betas.
  4. CARD: (Commodore Amiga Ram Drive), at least for a short while (when 1.3 was speculated about by magazines) seemed to have been the name for RAD: and the device was named "carddisk.device".
  5. 1.3 ROM Chip Part Number: 315093-02