AmigaActive (1193/1338)

From:Jim Cadwallader
Date:29 May 2001 at 14:01:52
Subject:Re: MagicXPress Modem

Hello stump etc.

On 29-May-01, you wrote:

>>> So in that case,
>>> AT&F&K3&C1&D0\r (my current init string)
>>> would become:
>>> AT&F&K3&C1&D0&L2\r
>> Yes.
> Hmm. Actually,I'm not sure I was correct with that (I'm going from
> memory). You may not need the & as I think speaker volume is a basic
> command.
> Chris

Genesis docs under "useful modem strings" state:

L1 low volume
L2 mid volume
L3 high volume

.. no ampersand. The docs for mine must be hidden on the accompanying CD
too! 8)


Jim Cad*

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