AmigaActive (1225/1338)

From:Gordon Moss
Date:30 May 2001 at 00:36:00
Subject:Re: Subject: Re: BoXeR (was: selling some amiga parts...)

Hello Don,

>When we see the exact final specs of all these products, I think it will
>be clear that they satisfy different market segments. (This is the
>positive way of looking at fragmentation.)

Whilst true to a certain extent, I can`t see many software companies would
want to return to an Amiga/ other market, when the fragmentation of that
market would reduce the potential sales/ profits. Besides with the likes of
the Boxer and Bplan, they may not even be or become AOS 4.0/5.0 compatible,
then also Mediator/ Prometheus and Predator, whilst potentially compatible
with OS 4.0 may not be compatible with AOS 5.0 and Amiga DE, due to the
legacy hardware attached.

>For instance, the BoXeR seems to be designed to accept the Toaster
>boards, so it has a market in video studios in the US. The BPlan product
has no
>AGA emulation but is aimed more at people who mainly want to use Linux.

>If two animals occupy exactly the same ecological niche, one will drive
>out the other, but so long as there isn't an exact match they can
>co-exist, like thrushes and blackbirds in a garden.

This last analogy, whilst thrushes and blackbirds are members of the same
genus, they wouldn`t see each other as direct competitors, only two pairs of
thrushes or blackbirds would. This would be analogous to Amiga and Mac, both
same genus but totally different proucts, and since the aforementoned
products will be trying to compete in the same Amiga marketplace for
customers and the current marketplace has diminshed to a large extent
already, there can`t be enough room for everyone.


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