AmigaActive (287/1338)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:6 May 2001 at 11:21:04
Subject:Re: Visual Prefs

On 05-May-01, Glyn Astill said -

>GA I just installed Visual Prefs on my amiga, I use
>GA Newicons V4 and when I launch Visual prefs I get a
>GA grey border around each of my icons.

>GA Does anybody know how to get rid of this?

I had problems like thiswhen I was playing with various options in VP, MCX,
NI4 and Scalos. It seems that you have have more than one patch which
disables icon borders, they come back. You'll have to experiment with any
patches that turn icon borders off. Try enabling borders in everything, then
disabling in just one patch.

It worked for me (though I have to say, I didn't know VP did this)



// A1200 '060/50, OS3.0, 16+2Meg, HPDJ610C,
// Squirrel, Power CD, Dual Floppies (Ooer), NEC
\\// Multisync 2A, Logic 3 Speedmouse, Sega controller
\/ and no hair.

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