AmigaActive (334/1338)

From:Clyde Hannan
Date:7 May 2001 at 16:28:37
Subject:Re: A500 Games

Don Cox wrote:
> On 06-May-01, Kevin Twyman wrote:
> > Hello Don,
> >
> > On 05-May-01, you wrote:
> >
> >> Sounds like Xenon II, but I can't remember if it was ever bundled.
> >> There were several different bundles.
> >
> > I didn't get anything bundled with my A500, the shop just gave me the
> > choice of two free games from their stock, and I bought Broderbunds
> > "Fantavision" at the same time.
> Somebody should do a modern version of Fantavision. We haven't had
> anything like it since AGA came out.

Gotta agree with you there.
Fantavision was just utterly fantastic!
My brothers and I spent many many happy hours mucking about with it on a
second-hand A2000 my brother bought (with which came Fantavision).

It certainly was unique and there was nothing else like it. I never understood
why it was never updated or why other companies didnt fall over themselves to do
their own variations of the idea.

Until Macromedia came along with Flash - which is the closest thing I have seen
to Fantavision.

But I agree - a 2001 version of FV for AmigaOS4.x would be swell!

Darrell Hannan

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