AmigaActive (460/1338)

From:Jim Spratt
Date:10 May 2001 at 18:22:43
Subject:Re: Blizzard 1260 + SCSIKit IV

Hello Bob

On 09-May-01, you wrote:

> The cable supplied was a 26 pin internal connector to the board ending in
> a standard 25 pin scsi D connector. I've used a male 25 to male 50pin
> centronics connector to connect up with the scsi chain, this is as per
> manual as far as I can see.

Make 100% sure you've connected the internal cable correctly and not
inadvertantely missed a pin...

>> Use Scout or a similar program from Aminet
>> to find the version of your 1230scsi.device.
>> Version 7.x is known to have problems with
>> removable devices like CD-ROM drives and ZIPs.
> Tried Scout but it can't find 1230scsi.device. I think it is probably a
> connection problem as the scanner made strange noises when connected to
> the Blizzard scsi and couldn't reach the ready state. I've had to put
> everything back on the squirrel for the time being.

Oh dear, as this is held in the scsi kits ROM - are U 100% sure the ribbon
cable is connected properly, because if so the only other reason for this
happening is the SCSI kits faulty :(

> Regards,

Jim Spratt (Betajaen/(Ex) RIP Amidev Moderator) or
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