AmigaActive (688/1338)

From:Ray Hawkins
Date:17 May 2001 at 19:28:42
Subject:Re: Where can I get CD sleeves?

Hello G.A.Griggs

On 16-May-01, you wrote:

>> RH There's no skill involved with a hose pipe. Now trying to bounce an
>> AOL RH CD of the top of mog's bonce takes REAL skill. The fun is when you
>> miss, RH hit the garden fence and the CD shatters into a hundred little
>> RH glittering pieces that enhance the colour and appearance of your
>> flower RH borders:)
> Does doing this enhance said moggies weather forcasting abilaty.

Well I heard one moggy say to another, "Christ, it's raining AOL CD's"

Kind Regards

(___) Ray C Hawkins (Dungeon Master)
(o o) Dual Editor of THE CRYPT Magazine
~ Helping to keep the Amiga Alive
UIN 98619394

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