AmigaActive (886/1338)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:23 May 2001 at 09:21:13
Subject:Re: Postal deliveries


> That's the impression I had, and it's why I said management treat
> workers as "work units". That's not only in the Post Office: it's a
> creeping desease throughout industry, and I blame "management
> schools" and similar courses for much of the problems and
> unhappiness in industry.

didnt you know? people are no longer employees, they have the rights
of the old 'employee' laws (what a farce) but they are now just tools to
get the job done, to get profit made. Humans ARE just work units, they
are just another resource. Personnel was renamed 'human resources
division' in most corporations years ago.

> I have a cure for the country's industrial problems. For any
> company that has more than 2 levels of management, scrap the
> remainder. And that would produce enough money to pay the workers
> more.

you only need one 'level' of management, the HO should treat regional
and local managers on the same and liaise. Its only when you have
two/three tiers systems that the people up top dont know what the people
at the bottom are doing. oh! but then there wouldnt be any room to wrap
that red-tape around and the beaureaucrats couldnt have that!


<political mode on>
PS If labour do return to power and keep IR35 and their strange
ideas on NI, then its time for me to leave this country
(perhaps the last person can switch off the light?)
</political mode off>

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