main menu | sub menu | description |
Project | Flush All | removes all samples after promping the user |
| Load | load samples |
| Save | save a sample |
| Execute | start the current operator |
| Execute Rexx | start the current rexx-script |
| Play All | play the whole sample |
| Play Rng | play the selected area |
| Stop | stop playing |
| Info | open an information window |
| Quit | end the program after prompting the user |
Edit | ... | similliar to the edit toolbar |
Zoom | ... | similliar to the zoom toolbar |
CleanUp | Current | reorder the active sample-window |
| All | reorder all sample windows |
| All normal | reorder all sample windows and rssize them to standard size |
| All zoomed | reorder all sample windows and resize them to small size |
Help | ... | invoke the online-help with the choosen topic |
Prefs | GUI | preferences for the GUI |
| Sample | preferences for the sample window |
| Virtual Memory | preferences for virtual memory |
| Miscellaneous | miscellaneous preferences |
| Load | load the last saved settings |
| Save | save the current settings |
| Reset | (not yet implemented) |