the window :
When a sample has been loaded or generated, it is then displayed within its own
window. Size and position can be changed via the windows gadgets. Several lines are
drawn to help reading positions and levels of the sample. Additional lines can be
drawn to display the maximum, average and real (acoustical) amplitude.
If 'Loop' is activated and start and repeat lengths are set, vertical lines
with boxes attached to the top will visualise the looping part. If some range is
selected (marked), this is shown by an highlighted filled box.
In the window titlebar SFX displays the samples name, playbackrate and
length. While playing a sample you see the play-position there.
actions inside the window :
When moving the mouse around the mousepointer will change its shape to indicate
what action can be performed.
The looplines can be moved by clicking and holding the left mousebutton onto
the box and moving the mouse.
Clicking down the left mousebutton inside the sample window but outside of the
loop boxes or a peviously marked area will start a new marking operation. When
clicking inside a mark (not near the borders), it can be moved around, while
holding the left mousebutton. When clicking inside a mark at the borders, the
range can be modified into that direction. Here is a 'picture' to make it more
clearly (anyway the mouse pointer shape shhould cleary show the availabe
action) :
1 change left and upper border
2 change upper border
3 change right and upper border
4 change left border
5 move around
6 change right border
7 change left and lower border
8 change lower border
9 change right and lower border
This area (or range) can be magnified, cut or copied. If an area was magnified,
moving the slidebar at the bottom or right of the window, will move the display
through the sampledata. This area will be continuosly updated while sliding.
While modifying loops, marking ranges and zoomareas SFX displays information
about start, end and length in the statusbar.
If you have zoomed you view more than 1:1 and selected "Trace" in the range-toolbar,
it is possible to draw directly into the samplebuffer while left mousebutton is pressed.
With this function you can manually remove errors (cracks). The sampledisplay will be
refreshed when you release the mousebutton.