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1.6.2 preferences for the sample windows [up] [down]

In this window you can change various parameters regarding to samplebuffers. Here's a decription of the various buttons and functions :
button description
SamplePath This is the default path in file-requests for loading and saving samples.
AxisFont This font will be used for the rulers inside the sample window.
SafeCheck Here you can choose, how the program should prevents you from discarding unsaved samples :
  • never : request appears never
  • if unsaved : request appears only if the sample has not been saved yet
  • ever : request appears ever
Storage Herewith you can specify, if a sample should be keept in memory or swapped to harddisk. SoundFX normally decides this automatically.
Drawmode This cycle-gadget lets you choose a drawing style for the sample waveform. This is you choice :
  • 1. Lines
  • 2. Dots
  • 3. DotAbs
  • 4. Filled
  • 5. FilledAbs
  • 6. FilledHQ (very exact, but slow)
QuickDraw If this is selected, the drawing of raster and Max-, RMS- und AvgLines will be switched off during scrolling.
Raster X/Y With these checkboxes you could disable the drawing of the raster.
Axis X/Y And with those you can disable the axis. This enlarges the drawing space for the waveform.
Unit X/Y These gadgets are for choosing the unit to be used for each axis. This unit will also beeing used by the status-bar.
MaxLines You could disable the calculation of the max. amplification lines. This speeds up the drawing, especially of longer samples.
RMSLines These lines are showing you the real accoustic volume of a sample. Calculating this and also the next may take a while (for long samples.
AvgLines These lines are showing you the real accoustic volume of a sample. Calculating this and also the next may take a while (for long samples).
NoLines Should SFX leave out Max-, RMS- und AvgLines for long samples?
SizeThresholdTell SFX here what you regard as long samples (number of sample-values)
WindowSize Finally you can choose the default sizes of samplewindows here. This can be done by entering absolute values (in pixel) or entering relative values (which are in per thousand of the screensize)
InfoStrings Here you can change the comments, which are saved along with the samples.

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001