AmigaActive (1003/1263)

From:Rich Woods
Date:22 Jul 2001 at 04:13:49
Subject:Re: Graphics Tabs... (Was Re: Image Processors - advice needed)

Hello Sam

On 21-Jul-01, you wrote:

>ST Having said that.. I have just been paid so I may have to go and
>ST have a look at and see how much ImageFX is
>ST currently going for.... no! must resist.. cant... wont... hmmm...
>ST maybe ;-)
>ST Cheerio,

Image FX 4.0 is available on CD-ROM for $99.00 (no manuals but has
on-line help). I bought that and Kermit Woodall (owner) donated a copy for a raffle
for the Arizona Amiga Users Group (hurray for Kermit).

Go to and take a look - also
has tutorials (very interesting and informative) on Image FX.

Please send an e-mail to Kermit Woodall at novadesign and say Rich
Woods sent ya. I appreciate his generosity and will do all possible to
support Amiga companies who support me. Thanks Kermit. (What a great

Also there is supposed to be a MAJOR announcement on Image FX at the
Sacramento show the end of this month for Image FX - haven't a clue
what it will be about but let's see what Kermit has to say.


Rich Woods
P.O. Box 54335
Phoenix, AZ 85078
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