AmigaActive (1129/1263)

From:Nicholaus Darley-Jones
Date:27 Jul 2001 at 01:39:31
Subject:Re: Different modem performances & AA23

Hello Stephen

On 26-Jul-01, you wrote:

> I think I have the same modem as you. I get 54667 connections using
> Telewest to dial up to Demon.

I am currently using NTL and mostly get 50666 but sometimes 49333. I have
used several ISPs (about 10!) and usually get these types of speeds. Only
RedHotAnt (RIP) gave me speeds of 52xxx.

> I know what you mean about the Shoutcasts,
> but just remember that IPv4 has no Quality of Service, and that if there
> are backlogs at various routers, then your traffic will be just as delayed
> as everybody elses. Alternatively, the servers are unable to provide this
> data rate to several users.

Might be.

Hopefully a 060/66 might make some difference compared to the 040/33 I am
currently using. However, I have doubts whether this will make much
difference because the streams are being directed to the MASPlayer and not

We will see (when Analogic send me the darn thing)



-=o G.A.G - Gloucestershire Amiga Group o=-


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