AmigaActive (116/1263)

Date:3 Jul 2001 at 07:45:46
Subject:To Much Style part 2

Hi all.

Ive read todays replys to my first post.
Some have a good point, but upto now most have missed the other
question about AA shuting up shop. Will they.?
After all if Eyetech arnt going to be advertising anymore, then thats
one hell of a big hole in the AA bank account.
Just a thought..

I dont want to see our last Amiga mag pop its clogs.
that why i sugested the idea of having more adverts from other
Whats your thoughts to that idea.?


And as for the Styling issue..
Like I said, most of the mag looks nice. But when i pay £6 quid for a
mag id expect it to give me more than just 1 weeks worth of reading.
And Yes it can be read from across the room. just look at this months
interactive page. Ok so its not across the room reading but its a
good 2.5 Meters away reading. 3 Pages worth of QA and only 9
Questions. ! actualy thats more that i expected. but if they made
the point size smaller, we could have another 3 at least.
then look at Pages 18/19/20. the point size is far to large. The gaps
between each Paragraph are a good 10mm or more. Only 2 out of 3
columns are actualy used on all three pages. then on page 20 theres
just one blank column. Come on guys you can do better than that.!
Yes its not all bad. but there is still room for improvements.

To be honest I would buy the magazine if it was partly in BW.
eg. that would save on the running costs, and allow for more pages.
Im not saying go all BW. but most of those active news pages could be
in BW and the ones on the same page, Ask the Guru wouldnt hurt being
in BW either. Same goes with the active online stuff.
Im not saying loose the paper quality, just the colour on some pages,
Greyscale is nice if used correctly.
if you dont think so Just take a look at some of the very old issues
of Amiga Format. and many other amiga mags that were out years ago.
Plus in those days the mags were like telephone books in size !
Thats another good reason for having more normal advertisers in the
magazine, you could have a totaly BW advertisers section. That would
make it cheeper for them to advertise.
These are just some simple ideas on how to make the magazine stronger.

And as for the cover designs. bravo.. I liked the G-Rex one. that
made me laugh. reminded me of that dino from Toy story. and this
months Anima styled cover is also very nice.
didnt think much to the multi coloured issue though. Very over the
top. couldnt beleve i paid £6 for that !! :-) I did like the bit
were David thanked us for actualy buying it even after seing the
cover. :-) that made me laugh.

I dont want to come across too negative about this magazine because I
do like it. Fact that its still our only Amiga Magazine, is not going
to stop me wanting it to be better..

Helping you helps us.

Ps. Neil dont you think its about time you updaded your site a bit.

Go Visit the World of Wombat at:
You'll Just Love it..... :)

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