AmigaActive (1202/1263)

From:Steve Hodson
Date:29 Jul 2001 at 17:39:35
Subject:Re: Amigactive Issue 23

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Norman" <>

> I don't know if this sounds a bit previous but surely having an x86
> of the OS will seriously damage AmigaOne sales because quite a high
> proportion of the Amiga community own a PC (admittedly I'm not one). I bet
> Eyetech weren't too impressed.

Only time will tell on this....but they are different products with
different timelines right now..... OS x86 is surely behind OS4.x and
AmigaOne gives you the capability of backwards AGA compatability....x86 most
assuredly does not!

> A disadvantage that I see (unless I am just being thick here) is that many
> coders want to write 3D games etc which will run faster under AmigaOS
> 4.x/x86 than AmigaDE so which development environment do they aim for, DE?

As DE is primarily targetted at non-desktop use....there`s no real clash.
Most users would not be satisfied with DE on the desktop as far as I can
tell.....Bill in fact echoed this sentiment


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