AmigaActive (127/1263)

From:Sean Courtney
Date:3 Jul 2001 at 14:55:41
Subject:Re: Arright, what's going on here? [SCSI update]

--- wrote:

> >> Problem: allegedly the Cyberstorm SCSIs don't have termination.
> KT> The Phase 5 CyberStormPPC SCSI doen't have termination on the
> KT> controller - I have one, and it is clearly stated in the manual.
> I
> KT> don't know if the DCE boards are different.
> They are, in that they don't come with manuals. Termination issues
> are the
> same though, and the MK3 is the same too.

Actually, mine DID come with a manual. :) Problem: it's from 1997. :\ per someone's suggestion yesterday, I flashed the latest
firmware into the Cyberstorm PPC last night and that didn't solve any
of my problems -- my browsers still crash at random, I can't get
ppc.library to be recognized, etc.

I think I did find the source of one of my problems, though -- I didn't
know it, but somehow Oxyron Patcher was moved into the "disabled"
directory of my WBstartup, and OpenOxyPort was commented out in my
startup-sequence! I un-commented it, put OP back into the "standard"
WBstartup, and all of a sudden my web crashes haven't been as much. :)
[Still cant' get PowerUP working, though!]

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