AmigaActive (13/1263)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:1 Jul 2001 at 02:34:40
Subject:Re: A1200 with only 2Mb ram.

Hello Nicholaus

On 01-Jul-01, you wrote:

> Hello Matthew
> On 30-Jun-01, you wrote:
>> 1. Remove MUI :)
> I want to run some internet programs on it that require MUI.

MUI runs fine in 2MB. Just keep your screen depth LOW. 8 colours
should do it. But that makes using IBrowse or Voyager pretty much
a useless experience ;)

>> 2. Not too many hard disk partitions
> There are only three.

Drop the buffers on each to 15 or so.

> system. The theory is tht if I can link my second A1200 to my main A1200
> and share the internet I can use that one for IRC and STRICQ (for missus)
> and carry on doing what I want.

AmIRC and STRICQ (although I'd shift to Jabberwocky if I were you) will
be fine in 2MB. If you have Miami, make sure you set "Kill GUI" when it
goes online.

> I'm pretty sure I did it before but can't remember how I did it without
> running out of memory.

I remember running all kinds of stuff in 2MB - I know people running
AmIRC on an A600 with no expansions ;)


Matt Sealey <>

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