AmigaActive (151/1263)

From:Bill Eaves
Date:3 Jul 2001 at 21:36:50
Subject:Missing Mags - Re: To Much Style.. !

Hello David

> We don't 'forget', Bill. They're all sent out at the same time each month.
> The fact that it takes forever for Mr. Postman to cycle to the remotest
> parts of Scotland isn't our problem :-)

True but as I often get the mag before folk in the deep south start to ask
where it is I don't think Postman Pat is the problem either. Postman Pat
normally only takes an extra day to deliver even to the most remote parts
of the UK :-) I don't think anyone shot the poor guy either as other post
is coming in. In fact *two* issues of Focus magazine have arrived since my
last AA so I do really think my copy has gone missing somewhere along the

>> BTW. Do the people at ever answer their
>> emails ? I'd like to know if they are aware that my magazine is still
>> missing.

> You emailed me and I answered you personally first thing this morning.

Crossed in the mail. I did email subs as well with more info that I may not
have given you such as my postcode. There will surely be only one AA
subscriber with my postcode so hopefully I should be sent the missing mag
soon ?

BTW. In this day and age should you really suggest I _ring_ the office when
email is supposedly so much faster and more efficient ;-P

Of course I must add that AA /does/ sometimes arrive before I expect it. I
did not expect to read AA21 before I returned home from my long haul around
Africa. But the magazine that time arrived early and the day before I left
so I at least had a good read on the long air flights. That was a bonus :-)

I did nearly think that I may have to gat a back issue though as the AA mag
was in one of our suitcases that got lost for a few days in Jo'burg.
Thankfully it turned up as it would have looked odd on an insurance claim
form for one replacement AmigActive magazine. Hey that was my most valuable
possession that I thought was lost !

So you see that if AA can arrive in the "far north" early one month but has
not arrived a week a a bit later after everyone else's copy (in the UK) the
next month then something has gone amiss this time.



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