AmigaActive (164/1263)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:4 Jul 2001 at 02:39:17
Subject:Re: Slow booting

On 03-Jul-01, Gerald Mellor said -

>GM Don't think this will help, but at least you know you're not alone ;)

As they say, misery enjoys company :o)

I'd still like the solution (if there is one) tho'.

Come on, someone out there must know.



// A1200 '060/50, OS3.9, EZ-Tower, 16+2Meg, HPDJ610C,
// Squirrel, Power CD, Dual Floppies (Ooer), NEC
\\// Multisync 2A, Logic 3 Speedmouse, Sega controller,
\/ 56k modem, and no hair.

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