AmigaActive (229/1263)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:5 Jul 2001 at 08:54:38
Subject:Re: PowerComputing, CyberstormPPC, RMA

Richard Lane said,

> Hello Neil,

>> Can I take it you also received multiple copies? Strange, because I only
>> sent it once.

> Actually I think it's YahooGroups having a bad day or two, this has also
> happened twice on a PC list I'm on.

If it was Yahoo, everyone would get them. I suspect there's a progblem
with your POP3 server, or a problem in the way it communicates with
Yahoo. It would appear Yahoo thinks the mail hasn't been received when
it has, so it queues it and resends later.



Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine

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