AmigaActive (234/1263)

From:Adam Smolarczyk
Date:5 Jul 2001 at 11:09:55
Subject:Can't boot A4000 from floppy

Hello Everyone

A challenge for those more knowledgeable about Amiga hardware than I am.
Not that that's a challenge.. oh you know what I mean...

Firstly a bit about my system. It's an A4000 040 (C= A3640), with a
Picasso IV and GVP SCSI card (usually nothing attached, maybe an external
CD-R or Zip drive now and then). It boots from a 2.1GB IDE drive on the
standard interface. A modem and printer, but I doubt that that's relevant
in this instance. What could be relevant is the fact I use a serial mouse
through a Mroocheck adaptor. Now on to the

My magical mystery A4000 strikes again. Again it's the sort of problem
which doesn't actually stop me from using the machine but I have the
horrible feeling it'll either develop into something worse or will be a
problem at some point in the future. Basically what occurs is that I can't
get the early boot menu or boot from floppy. If I hold both mouse buttons
down or put a bootable floppy in at start up, the machine just seems to
hang, with the hard drive light on and a black screen. In the case of
attempting to boot a floppy the drive works a bit but the computer doesn't
boot, just the black screen.

In the case of the boot menu, I've tried connecting a normal mouse (I
usually use a serial mouse through a Mroocheck/Puninchello II), but no joy
- the same results.

In both instances I thought maybe it could be a problem with the PIV's
flicker fixer/scandoubler, but I doubt that as using PPaint in native
Amiga modes works fine (and that odd colour tint problem from a while back
has disappeared).

It also doesn't matter in either instance if it's a cold or warm boot.

Once again I've been left scratching my head. As at the moment it's not a
problem as I have no immediate need to boot from floppy or access the
early boot menu, but I would really prefer to get it sorted just in case.
I only came across the problem a few weeks ago when a crash left me with
an invalidated hard disk - I'd wanted to boot with no startup sequence by
entering the boot menu. In the end I just waited for the hard disk to
validate itself. For the life of me I don't know what could be causing it
as I haven't changed anything on this system for so long. Thanks in
advance to anyone who might be able to help me.


Adam Smolarczyk - Sydney, Australia - - ICQ:14382287
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