AmigaActive (28/1263)

From:Andrew Werchowiecki
Date:1 Jul 2001 at 14:10:02
Subject:Re: Voyager demo timeout?

Hello Matt

On 30-Jun-01, you wrote:

> Hello Andrew
> On 30-Jun-01, you wrote:
>> Hello Matt
>> On 30-Jun-01, you wrote:
>>>> Is there any chance of a menu option which would give the properties of
>>>> the picture you are pointing to? ie picture dimensions, byte size etc
>>> Doesn't the document info window do this already?
>> That would give the info of the entire document. I meant the info on the
>> specific picture/file that the mouse is hovering over.
> Right click, and the context menu shows image size (since this is
> something silly like 9 characters maximum).
> Do you want a "Properties" page like in IE?

Yes, a "Properties" page. Would be nice if it was well set out, and it
didn't show the sizes in bytes, but it rounded it to xx.x kb. And you know
when you have properties of a picture in a graphics editor you can get
exact pixel/centimetre/inch/whatever dimensions of the picture, something
like that in there as well.

Of course, that's only me, I don't know if it's worth the trouble if no-one
else finds that useful.


Andrew Werchowiecki

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