AmigaActive (287/1263)

From:Rich Woods
Date:6 Jul 2001 at 16:44:58
Subject:Re: Subscriptions [was: Has your mag...]

Hello Neil

On 06-Jul-01, you wrote:

>NB> No - you do have to register a bank account (if you are a
>NB> seller).
>NB But as a buyer you have to go through all the above hassle. People
>NB want to be able to order immediately, not go off somewhere else to
>NB register, then wait for their next credit card statement before
>NB they can even order.

You have the process wrong - you do NOT have to wait for a next credit
card statement before you can order.

I've been selling via PayPal for around a year - it is not that
complex to use.

It is FAR better than automatic debiting (which I NEVER use) - auto
debit a mistake is made - a wrong keypunch or whatever excuse you get
you have to jump thru hoops to correct someone else's mistake.

>NB Credit cards aren't the problem anyway, you can already order
>NB online with a credit card. It's direct debits that are difficult
>NB to set up.

I agree - auto debits (or direct debits if that is the English use
term) is a hassell.

Some people might want to get a issue here or there as opposed to a
continuous subscription (although I have no idea why on such a great
mag). Also there are probably a LOT of people who are subscription shy
- as past Amiga mags who have taken a years worth of subscription
money and then folded up and went bankrupt. Goodbye subscription
money - and when you are looking at approx $120 a year I can
understand why some people might be hesitant.

AND - if anyone wants to use paypal please go thru my website
( we both get $5 for new people who register -
and you can send money to anyone with an e-mail addresss using a
credit card - I have used this method to obtain "free" cash advances
(without all the charges) dealing with my friends.

Just a thought - it's nice that the mag is sold out most of the time
as it proves they are making a profit and most likely will continue to
stay in business.

It's the only Amiga mag we have left!


Rich Woods
P.O. Box 54335
Phoenix, AZ 85078
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