AmigaActive (378/1263)

From:Don Cox
Date:7 Jul 2001 at 18:18:44
Subject:Re: HTML Image maps

On 07-Jul-01, Joris Kempen wrote:
> Hello,
> I making a website that makes use of tables, no frames.
> At the the top I have a navigation images, this one comes back I every
> page. Do I need to place the image map in all the html files that use
> the image, or is there a way to make the image map global?

Use Server Side Includes.

Cut out the section of HTML that is to be on every page and save it as a
separate file, for example called "navigation.html".

Then your main files must be .shtml not .html, to tell the server
there is SSI in them.

Use the line
<!--#include virtual="navigation.html"" -->
to bring your re-usable chunk into each page. The line goes wherever on
the page you want the chunk to be.

"Web Design in a Nutshell" by Niederst, published by O'Reilly, is the
book for all these things. Get it. There is a whole chapter on SSI.


Don Cox

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