AmigaActive (387/1263)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:7 Jul 2001 at 22:40:27
Subject:Shared patterns?

Hello all,

Now I may be making a bit of an assumption here, but a quick glance at my chip
mem usage suggests I'm right.

When prefs are set for desktop/window patterns etc. in WB/DOpus etc, and MUI
prefs are set to include Window/requester patterns, and then Reaction etc. etc.
(you get the gist), I'm assuming that each of the "Environments" loads the
patterns independantly, so that if you use the same pattern for each of
WB/Dopus, reaction and MUI, three copies of it will be loaded to Chip mem.

If I'm correct, is there any way to have them all share the same copy, thus
reducing memory usage by a half, or a third, or a quarter for each pattern used
based on the number of times it's used (IYSWIM)?

All the best


// A1200 '060/50, OS3.9, EZ-Tower, 16+2Meg, HPDJ610C,
// Squirrel, Power CD, Dual Floppies (Ooer), NEC
\\// Multisync 2A, Logic 3 Speedmouse, Sega controller,
\/ 56k modem, and no hair.

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