AmigaActive (4/1263)

From:Robert Gna�
Date:28 Jun 2001 at 13:44:11
Subject:Re: Missing Mouse

Hi Steve!...

On 27-Jun-01, you wrote somethin' like this: ...

SH> No probs, My DblPAL monitor driver (from WB3.1 - needed for this size) and
SH> overscan.prefs file are attached. Also attached, screenmode.prefs (just in case
SH> you need it, I'm not sure. Beware, your mouse will vanish at the right
SH> hand side of the screen. You have to guess where it is to use, for example,
SH> scrollbars.

Hi, I also tweaked my desktop size a little, quite some time ago now,.. I'm a
proud voodoo user now.. 8).. But!,.. I onced used "patchoverscan", think I got it
from aminet.

I have had to 2 lines in my ss, reading like this..

C:Patchoverscan ID=99004 O=M 0 0 703 479
C:Patchoverscan ID=A9004 O=M 0 0 703 549

These helped me to get a larger screen size, and if not larger than at least
with visible mouse pointers .. 8)). (IDs = DBLPal + DBLNTSC)

Hope this one is of any help.
If you can't find the tool, I send it to you.



How to confuse your roommate: Whenever your roommate walks in, wait one minute and then stand up. Announce that you are going to take a shower. Do so. Keep this up for three weeks.
:^ ---- - - - - - -- ------ ------ ---� -- - -- -� -
:| Robert Gnass, Berlin [Germany] - eMail: - ICQ: 48033398
:: aMiGa12ooT o4o@5omHz 2+32mB 92gIGS 4oXcD pOWERFLYER+tWISTER+vOODOO&10mBIT(pCI)
:| aMD@9oomZH 256mB 40gIGS 32xCD+8xCDRW+12xdVD (aTA1oo) + tV + 1oomBIT
:| ... aMiGa gROOVES! ... eNJOY tHE nEVEReNDING sTORY!.. 8) ...
:`- - - - - ..tb! -<

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