AmigaActive (41/1263)

From:Don Cox
Date:1 Jul 2001 at 17:27:13
Subject:Re: PCs and other nasty things (was Re: Re: Has anyone heard news of the new "Settlers"?)

On 01-Jul-01, Richard Wheeldon wrote:
> Nicholaus Darley-Jones wrote:
>> Do you think that there is or will be a market out there for a
>> completely new computer?
> Not in the Desktop/Office/Home market. In the server market, yes. In
> the PDA market, yes.
>> There just isn't the choice available to general public when
>> it comes to buying a computer system.
> True, but seeing as most people buying computers are clueless about
> what makes them tick, I don't see any likely improvement. You'd have
> to beat the technology and then beat Intel and Microsoft's advertising
> ability. I don't see anyone likely to do that in the next 5-10 years.
>> Basically, most people haven't a clue when it comes to computers so
>> there will be no difference between buying an Amiga system or a PC
>> system.

However there may well be a market, not to "most people" but to the
minority who do understand and like computers and would like a second
computer that might be more fun to use than their Wintel machines.
These are the same kind of people who have been installing Linux.

If the Amigas can be made to be fast, efficient and reliable (no IRQ
conflicts, for instance), and if a silent model can be produced, they
could find a niche in music and recording. Not yet, but some time next

It depends on what software appears. There is no law that everyone has
to use the famous PC/Mac monster programs - even now, there are often
smaller Amiga programs which have special features or are simply easier
to use. Pagestream on Amiga will be one of the best DTP programs on any
platform once Deron finally finishes the Table Editor.

Sales amounting to 1/2% of the total market would be enough to be
worthwhile. What are the sales of Leicas as a percentage of all camera
sales? Or Meridian audio gear as a percentage of all hi fi?


Don Cox

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