AmigaActive (421/1263)

From:Rich Woods
Date:8 Jul 2001 at 21:11:31
Subject:Re: Subscriptions [was: Has your mag...]

Hello Jonathan

On 07-Jul-01, you wrote:

>JD I would suggest changing then, until I read Rich Woods' mail.
>JD Unfortunately I'm still using IE whilst I save for my AmigaOne
>JD with it's gfx card.
>JD Does anyone know of any card companies who's sites do allow access
>JD from an Amiga?

I have no problem with PayPal using Amiga browsers.

Wells Fargo hangs up on verifying my info (java/javascript use).

My credit union same thing

Bank of America can't access my account.

Compass bank I have problems also. It appears Amiga browsers aren't
too effective in accessing bank info (although I think it is the
java/javascript programming that is causing the problems.

One thing that has to be addressed with the new Amigas - it HAS to
work on the everyday mundane things that are essential (like banking).

Got to check on the banks everyday to catch their mistakes.


Rich Woods
P.O. Box 54335
Phoenix, AZ 85078
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