AmigaActive (54/1263)

From:Nicholaus Darley-Jones
Date:1 Jul 2001 at 23:53:17
Subject:Re: Slow PPaint/FinalWriter

Hello Nuno

On 01-Jul-01, you wrote:

> Can anyone tell me why are Final Writer and PPaint so slow on my
> 040+BVision? I'd have thought they would really fly,but no such
> luck, especially FinalWriter,which is almost unusable. Any solution
> to this?

FW: Are you trying to use it's own screen or ontop of your workbench. I
found that FW works better on my workbench than in its screen.

PPaint works o.k. but I found that the menu's were 'very' slow, but this was
because of Magic Menu. I have now moved towards using Photogenics because
it works better with my graphics card.

You might not get the same results on your system because I'm using a
Mediator and Voodoo3 3000 and I can only assume that it does the same for
other graphics cards.



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