AmigaActive (645/1263)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:12 Jul 2001 at 12:18:10
Subject:Re: Oh dear!

Hello Don

On 12-Jul-01, you wrote:

> On 11-Jul-01, Matt Sealey wrote:
>> Available schmavailable, MorphOS can and does run on the bPlan boards,
>> which ARE practically finished, if not actually in production or on
>> shelves right now.
>> They're certainly at a more advanced, and more likely to be released,
>> stage than any of the other Amiga-endorsed (or non-endorsed) PPC
>> efforts.
> The other manufacturers will claim the same.

None of them can prove it though, can they? Have you seen an AmigaOne
running? Have they even claimed that they have one running?

bPlan went into working prototype stage ages ago: they have pictures on
their website. Ralph Schmidt is a very smiley person atm :)

> But Dave Haynie has now joined Merlancia (who are basing their designs
> on BPlan's motherboards). That makes the project a bit more convincing,
> but not much, as the Metabox company he was with before also went bust.

Since when did Metabox go bust? They filed for insolvency, but companies
do that all the time. If they'd gone truly *bust*, we'd surely have seen one
hell of a kerfluffle about it on the Amiga news sites..

As far as I know, Dave Haynie is still working for Metabox (VP's don't just
leave after a little financial trouble) and working with Merlancia as another
project. He certainly has money to back himself up if all goes tits up in both
departments. He certainly has in the past gone off to work on other things
(he does work from home, too)

And.. wait a minute.. you're seriously doubting the capabilities of Dave
Haynie, Amiga Hardware God just because another company
hit a little trouble (not the first, or last, time this will happen this year)? :P

> I would like to see both MorphOS and AmigaOS 4 on the market, as then
> there will be competition to see which can run Amiga programs better and
> faster. If one or other has a slower emulator, they will have to improve
> it sharpish.

Sure, but legend has it that H&P's emulator isn't exactly the most impressive
implementation or solution on offer in any marketplace.. any company who
couldn't port an app to PPC because of such petty reasons doesn't deserve
to be trusted with anything like that IMO - especially considering that they
think they're on the inside track, knew better PPC solutions were on the way,
could have pre-emptively implemented PPC ArtEffect (to go with the PPC
effects plugins - surely less context switching between 68k app and PPC
plugin == more speed?)

(They're just saying they didn't do it because they probably did the stupid
thing of assembler optimizing the entire app for 68k - probably because
they have some hideous problem with their Godawful Wizard GUI library
in that it won't port to PPC without breaking every other app available.

Or, more likely, they were too busy smoking pot and writing flamey
emails to newsgroups, reverse engineering hardware for their own
nefarious purposes, or inciting legal battles with cashless and therefore
defenseless software developers when they steal their code and intellectual
properties, on 3 seperate occasions)


Matt <>

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