AmigaActive (650/1263)

From:Steve Hodson
Date:12 Jul 2001 at 16:05:47
Subject:Re: Oh dear!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Cox" <>

> But Dave Haynie has now joined Merlancia (who are basing their designs
> on BPlan's motherboards). That makes the project a bit more convincing,
> but not much, as the Metabox company he was with before also went bust.

As convincing as when Joe Torre 'joined' AntiGravity for BoXeR ?
> I would like to see both MorphOS and AmigaOS 4 on the market, as then
> there will be competition to see which can run Amiga programs better and
> faster. If one or other has a slower emulator, they will have to improve
> it sharpish.

Agreed, competition prevents one or the other being slothful or self
satisfied...or merely just greedy :-)


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