AmigaActive (693/1263)

From:Sean Courtney
Date:13 Jul 2001 at 16:21:53
Subject:I'm THROUGH with PPC!!

Over the past few days I've been having problems with my Cyberstorm
PPC, which I just got back from the "shop" a couple of weeks ago...and
it got to the point where, once again, the card just won't work at all.
The fan works, but that's it. Can't boot, can't do nothing.

I took out the PPC, put in my Cyberstorm MKIII, and all worked well.

Replaced the PPC again, making sure that all the SIMMs were in place,
the card seated firmly and parallel in the slot, nothing. This was
after I've been getting the following problems with the PPC:
- Random crashes in some programs (especially YAM 2.3 and TurboPrint
Graphics Publisher), even after installing the appropriate fixes for
the 233mhz bug
- Suddenly I couldn't burn CDs without reducing the MakeCD buffer to
512kb for some strange reason
- Workbench screen slowly "deteriorating"
- Getting the "insert disk" animation upon startup

And problems kept getting worse and I had a dead card.

Putting the '060 card back in cured the problems.

I've decided to return the PPC card -- Software Hut did give me some
options, and one was to exchange the PPC for an '060 and get refunded
the difference in price -- that's the second one to go dead on me [2
for 2!], and really -- what PPC stuff did I actually DO when the PPC
itself worked? Encoding/decoding MP3s, speeding up TurboPrint a bit,
running MAME at full speed...but that was IT! I rarely find the need to
encode MP3s, and if I'm going to decode them, I'll just burn them to a
CD at 1x. The speed increase in TurboPrint was, although noticeable,
considerably minimal. As for MAME -- I'm into classic arcade games, and
I know of plenty of places where, when I'm in the mood to play, I can
get in my car and drive fifteen minutes and play the REAL games
[without having to config memory, banking, AHI, etc.] for a quarter

It's good to have a working Amiga again! The '060 has served me well
for five months without a hassle, and I'm proud to have the slower
non-PPC option! 8)

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