AmigaActive (699/1263)

From:Andy Hall
Date:12 Jul 2001 at 13:38:47
Subject:Re: Workbench Colours

Hello David

On 13-Jul-01, you wrote:

> --- In amigactive@y..., Andy Hall <No_good@j...> wrote:
>> Has anyone manged to successfully complete lock a palette in the way I've
>> described? At the moment my gadgets seem to like to change colour quite
>> regularly.
> I'm surprised you don't run your browser in a seaparate screen, but I
> guess it's personal preference. I found using Workbench or Scalos on
> AGA in more than 64 colours a real PITA.

I've tried the seperate screen thing on numerous occassions, but it just
ends up eating up all my chip mem, and the quality of graphics seem no
better than on my workbench.

> As for Scalos changing your screen colours, I couldn't possibly comment :)
> But I'm sure there were some bugs listed about things like that. You
> might find it not as bad with the latest bunch of datatypes and exe's
> though.

I did find a work around for Scalos, which seems to leave the palette pretty
much intact. TBH I think that really this is all just a major flaw in WB
since the very first version. I never understood why they decided to only
ever use 4 colours where 8 or 16 would be so much better, and that orange
and blue UGH! Everyone has thier thories on why Amiga never took off in
business, mine is that people saw the workbench and went "No thanks, I'd
rather buy this black and white Mac, at least I can read the writing on
screen, and the gadgets and icons don't look like a 5 year old designed
them!". There should have been a standard pallete set for workbench, like
on other systems.

> The problem (in general, not just Scalos) comes with programs that do not
> obtain the pens through the graphics library - they just grab them,
> change the colour to what they want and then use them. There is no way
> around this without recoding those programs, and I've never found a
> decent way of re-loading my palette (the Mediator/Voodoo drivers
> sometimes screws it up).

The thing is though, what if another app happens to be using that colour
when they do? It seems far more sensible to just try to use the available
colour as best you can rather than medling with them.


Andy "Pedestrian" Hall

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